Author page: World Changers

The Faith to Change

Sermon Sunday, Nov.17 – Like Abraham we want to see our situations change but we don’t know where to begin. The good news is that God always have the answer for every change that you need to make in life and he will show you how to make that change

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Don’t Give Up, Look Up

Text: Psalm 121:1-4 & Luke 18:1-8 Now, although God inhabits our praise & worship, it is important to note that prayer is the only form of worship that God didn’t put a limit on. And, the reason why God didn’t put a limit on prayer is because “man ought always to pray…1 Thessalonians 5:17 says this, Pray without ceasing.. this…

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Built Strong: Part 2

Building strong relationships- Galatians 5:7-26 NIV Relationships are important. There is a saying, tell me who you hang around with and I will tell you who you are. In other words, You eventually become like the people you hang around. ThIs is why God’s plan for you is to have strong relationships with the people who will make you spiritually…

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Built Strong: Part 1

Building a strong spirit – Ephesians 3:16-17 God just doesn’t want you to be strong, in one area of your life but strong in many areas of your life. Ephesians 6:10 says, be strong in the lord and in the power of his might. U see, God wants you to draw your strength from him by developing habits that will strengthen…

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Part 3: Men of Valour- Passionate

You can be equally passionate about big things as well as small things…Passion is Passion regardless of what level it is…. Gideon lived a life of passion at each and every stage in his life, God saw his passion and used him Mightily…. 1. Gideon had a deep passion to protect his people.   Judges 6:7-11 2. Passion is not…

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