Who is a new believer?

A new believer is one who is converted from one opinion to another or from one way of life to another. When a person becomes a new believer he/she adopts the thinking and attitudes of Christ, as well as affirm his/ her faith in Christ by spending time in prayer, the word and in fellowship with other believers. Acts 2:41-42 says “Those who accepted his message were baptised and about 3,000 were added to their number that day. And they continued steadfast in the apostle doctrine and fellowship in the breaking of bread and prayer.”

Why join a new believer’s class?               

New believers classes serves two purposes:

  1. Classes are designed to help new believers attain a basic understanding of the word of God and how it applies to their lives.
  2. Classes are also designed to give new believers the opportunity to understand our statement of faith and to understand why we believe what we believe,

At World Changers Worship Centre, we are committed to ensuring that our new believers understand the following:

  1. The gospel
  2. The mission and/or vision of the church
  3. The expectations of church membership
Please fill out the form below for more information or to join a class.

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