The Resurrection of Purpose
To get our lives back on track, we need to understand God’s purpose for us. If we don’t know our purpose, it will be hard to connect with God. In John 21:4-6, the disciples had worked all night without catching any fish. Then Jesus appeared and asked if they had caught anything, and they said, “No.” In God’s eyes, though, “No” doesn’t always mean “denial.” He can use our failures for His glory. Too often, we focus only on praising God when things go right, but God can work even in our struggles.
After Jesus was crucified and resurrected, the disciples felt as if God’s purpose for them had ended. They went back to fishing, discouraged because things hadn’t turned out as they expected with Jesus. But remember, you can’t resurrect God’s purpose in your life if you keep living in the past.
1. Make Loving God and People Your First Priority
(Matthew 4:18-20; John 21:15-17; 22:35-40; 1 Corinthians 13:3)
Jesus made it clear that their purpose wasn’t to fish for fish, but to fish for men. When God’s purpose is on your life, anything else will fall short. Loving God and loving others should be the goal of every believer. Everything we do must be motivated by God’s love and a love for others.
2. Focus on the Future, Not the Past
(John 21:5)
Your future is bright! The disciples could have focused on their lack of success catching fish, but instead, when they listened to Jesus, they caught more fish than they could handle. When you focus on God’s purpose for your life, you will see things change for the better. Keep your eyes forward.
3. Failure and Discouragement Don’t Mean You’ve Lost God’s Purpose
(Jeremiah 29:11; Psalm 62:1-2)
Just because things didn’t work out—whether it’s a relationship, a job, or anything else—doesn’t mean you’ve lost your purpose. God’s plan for your life is unshakable. Even in failure, God’s purpose remains. He is always pulling you back into His plan, no matter how many times you stumble.
God’s plan never lapses. He says, “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you.” God’s blessing is His approval. Even when the disciples were struggling and catching nothing, Jesus still had a plan for them. The same is true for us—no matter how discouraged you feel, God’s purpose for your life hasn’t changed.
In conclusion, God’s Purpose is Greater Than Any Setback.
God’s purpose for you is bigger than any mistake or setback you face. It’s greater than everything. God wants to do great things through you, but He can’t do it without your cooperation. He wants to change lives, but He needs you to be willing and aligned with His purpose. If you’re holding onto unforgiveness or bitterness, that can hinder God’s work through you. God is looking for people who will fully cooperate with Him.
To get our lives back on track, we need to cooperate with God and align ourselves with His will. Trust that His purpose is still in motion, no matter where you’ve been or what you’ve gone through.