When God hears you and others don’t: Psalm 61:1-3 & Psalm 142:1-5

God doesn’t want you to just talk to people about their problems. No! But what he wants more than anything is for you to talk to him about your problems. Proverbs 18:24 (Amplified)says this, The man of too many friends [chosen indiscriminately] will be broken in pieces and come to ruin, But there is a [true, loving] friend who [is reliable and] sticks closer than a brother. Note the word reliable…here are 3 reasons why God wants you talk to him. 

  1. God is reliable. Isaiah 59:1; 1 Corinthians 1:9; Isaiah 55:6-7; Luke 11: 1-4
  2. When you talk to God about your problems he will make those who don’t hear you hear you. Exodus 2:23-25 NIV. 
  3. When you talk to God according to his will, you will feel the confirmation in your heart that He hears you. 1 John 5:14-15 NIV.
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