The courage to stand for truth- John 14:6 & Ephesians 6:10-14
We live in a world where many do not believe in absolute truth. For example, there are those who say that all truth is relative and no absolute truth exists. But you and I know that this is not true based on what Jesus said in John 14:6. We also know that we serve a God whose truth cannot be changed or altered by any given circumstances. And so, it doesn’t matter what’s happening in your life it cannot change the truth of God.
But how do I develop the courage to stand for truth?
- I accept God’s Word as my authority. Isaiah 40:8; John 8:32
- I Spend personal time with Jesus. Acts 4:13; Acts 4:31
- I will say no when God says no. Hebrews 11:24-25; Romans 14:8