Part 3: The Law of Sowing and Reaping

The law of sowing and reaping is about multiplication because whatever you sow multiples back to you 10 folds, a hundred folds or even a thousand folds…

This is a principle that has worked for farmers for many years. For hundreds of years farmers would sow seeds and reap a large harvest. But what many people didn’t realize is that the law of sowing and reaping not only applies to actual seeds that farmers sow but also applies to every area of life. Just like you sow a seed, you can sow money, just like you sow a seed, you can sow a thought, just like you sow a seed, you can sow a word, just like you sow a seed, you can sow an action. In other words, anything and everything is a potential seed and when you sow it you will reap a harvest from it. Therefore, if you need a harvest you’ve got to sow.

Here are 6 things you need to know about sowing and reaping in order to be financial fit or financially healthy:

  1. Everything in life begins as a seed. (Genesis 1:29)
  2. Nothing happens until a seed is planted. (John 12:24)
  3. Whatever I sow I am going to reap. (Genesis 1:24)
  4. I reap in proportion to what I sow. (2 Corinthians 9:6)
  5. I am not the only sower. (John 4:38)
  6. We sow in one season and reap in another. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
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